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Our plant is located at: 124 SM, Brgy. Bagong Pook, Santa Maria, Laguna, PHILIPPINES


Telephone: Ms. Jessica Gutierrez +63 920 9074063


Metro Manila Delivery Hotline: 850-0000


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Why Coconut Oil Is Amazing When You’re Pregnant Or A New Mum

Why Coconut Oil Is Amazing When You’re Pregnant Or A New Mum

“A coconut’s natural oil is bursting with health and skin benefits that can solve more than one pregnancy, new mum and baby complaint.”

“After breast milk, coconut oil is the second best source of lauric acid – a great and easy way to help strengthen both yours and your baby’s immune system. It’s also thought to help stimulate milk production during breastfeeding. So, drinking a small amount each day when breastfeeding will mean that the goodness of the lauric acid will be directly passed to your baby through your milk.”

Read the full article here. *Image from

Author: Alison Coldridge